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マジック ショー カラーリング ブック(4 ウェイ)  クラシックトリック「3ウェイカラーリングブック」にもう1ウェイ増えた4ウェイバージョンが登場!!  1冊の本を取り出し、パラパラとめくって全てのページが真っ白であることを見せます。おまじないをかけ、再びパラパラとめくると、全てのページにモノクロの絵が現れます。もう一度パラパラとめくると、子供がクレヨンで色付けしたような絵に変化!さらに、もう一度行うと、綺麗なカラフルの絵に変化しているのです!! サイズ:約22×28cm セット内容:本体、英語解説 ※海外からの輸送のため、ページの隅が多少曲がっていたりする場合があります。予めご了承ください。 MAGIC SHOW Coloring Book DELUXE (4 way) The Magic Coloring Book Deluxe! A coloring book is shown to have all blank pages.. The magician (that's you) asks the kids in the audience to point at the coloring book and say the magic words. You then show there is a different drawing on each and every page However, the drawing are not colored in. Next, you ask the kiddies to call out there favorite colors! you open the book once again and ALL of the drawing have now magically been colored in BUT they are just scribbles! Oh NO! Finally, you ask for all of the kids to say the magic word and ALL of the colors have now changed into perfect colored pictures!! It's like REAL magic! What sets this coloring book apart from others? The Deluxe version contains a special 4-Way Book!! The paper is a produced from a high-quality, thick, no bleed stock. The cover is coated in UV for a long-lasting, professional look. The images are large and contain actual magic tricks and illusions such as; Cups and Balls, Ball Vase, Zig Zag, Rabbit in the hat, Rising card as well as other classic effects. This provides you an opportunity to point out some of the classics in magic. Self-working! 4-way! High quality! Large, colorful images! Thick, no blead paper! UV coated heavy duty cover! Online instructions! Individually wrapped to protect during shipping!
