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  • 赤(解説DVD付)


アルティミット アンビション インプルーブド  ダローの傑作!!  デックから1枚のカードを選んでもらい、表裏ともにサインしてもらいます。デック全体をロープでぐるぐる巻きにし、しっかりと縛ります。そして、この状態のデックの真ん中に、観客のサインしたカードを押しこんでいきます。このあり得ない状況で、観客のサインしたカードがデックのトップから出現するのです!  その他にも演技に役立つ内容が盛りだくさんの解説をオンラインで見ることができます。 セット内容:用具一式、英語解説 ※輸入品 Ultimate Ambition Improved by DARYL The Ultimate Ambition Improved is just perfect for the finish to The Ambitious Card. After performing your favorite Ambitious Card routine, you offer to take things a step further by performing it once again under the most IMPOSSIBLE TEST CONDITIONS! The deck is wrapped and tied with a piece of rope whilst several spectators sign the chosen card on BOTH SIDES. The signed selection is FAIRLY placed in the MIDDLE of the deck BY THE SPECTATOR!! Without ANY moves whatsoever, the selection magically rises to the top! The best part is, this very special gimmick does it all. That's right, the gimmick does 100% of the work... These special Ultimate Ambition Improved (UAI) gimmicks have been expertly made with the United States Playing Card Company, Bicycle Rider back cards. Comes complete with UAI gimmick, rope and DARYL'S detailed instructions including: His personal, updated routine, insight and handling to this classic effect (Online). BONUS! As a bonus, you will receive Gregory Wilson's personal walk-around routine using the ingenious UAI gimmick. Gregory covers all the details on how to build this effect to its maximum impact! DARYL used this amazing effect to win the GOLD MEDAL for Card Magic at F.I.S.M.
